Prilled Urea N46 and Granular Urea

Prilled Urea N46 and Granular Urea



Crystal carbamide (urea) is received from ammonia and carbon dioxide. carbamide is used in an industry as raw materials at manufacturing of pitches, glues, etc., for use in agriculture as mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Carbamide can be utilized in animal husbandry as fodder additive.
It is permitted to store carbamide containers and transport packages fastened by synthetic film on open areas. Warranty period of product storage – 2 years from the date of manufacturing.


Name of a parameter Standard for mark and grade
Extra First Extra First Second
1. Nitrogen fraction of total
mass on dry basise, %, not less
46,3 46,2 46,2 46,2 46,2
2. Biuret (Ureido Formamide)
fraction of total mass, %, no more
0,6 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4
3. Loose ammonia fraction of
total mass, %, no more, for carbamide
– crystal 0,01 0,01
– prilled 0,02 0,03
4. Mass share of water, %, no
– Method of drying 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3
– Method Fishera 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,6
5. Friability, % 100 100 100
6. distribution of sizes, %:
– fraction of total mass of
granules with size, mm :
§ 1 – 4, not less 94 94 94
§ 2 – 4, not less 70 50
§ less than 1, not less 3 5 5
§ 6-mm sieve residue, no
7. Static hardness of granules,
kgf/granule, not less
0,7 0,5 0,3



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